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Cliffs of Dohjok
Cliffs of Dohjok
Explorable area
Campaign Nightfall
Region Istan
Map area 2.62%
Neighbors Beknur Harbor
Blacktide Den (outpost)
Champion's Dawn
Jokanur Diggings (outpost)
Zehlon Reach
Services Collector
Cliffs of Dohjok map
Zcoins This article has an associated Zaishen Challenge Quest.

Description[ | ]

The Cliffs of Dohjok feature a nice glade with Plants, Skree's and some Insect groups all along the area. In the south part of the Cliffs there's a large mine recently overrun by Corsair Pirates.

Exits[ | ]

Quests[ | ]

Cliffs of Dohjok[ | ]

Note: All of the following quests are only available to Nightfall characters.

Creatures[ | ]

NPCs[ | ]

Allies[ | ]

Monsters[ | ]

Bosses[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

Cliffs of Dohjok - Vanquished Tips

Cliffs of Dohjok - Vanquished

  • It is possible for foreign characters to easily explore this area for the cartographer title. During the quest A Land of Heroes, the entire area will be open with very few enemies. Elonian characters can party with a foreigner doing this quest.

Bounties[ | ]

SunspearBounty CliffsOfDohjok

Sunspear Bounty Location Image

The Sunspear bounties available in Cliffs of Dohjok and which shrines they are offered at are listed in the following table; refer to the map at right for the exact locations of the shrines. In Normal Mode, they are only available to characters whose level and Sunspear rank are equal to or less than those noted in the table.

Bounty Shrines Max Level Max Rank
Insect Hunt Northwest, Southwest 12 Captain (5)
Plant Hunt North-center, East-center
Skale Hunt East, Southeast
Skree Battle West-center, South-center 17

There is no bounty for the Corsairs in this area.
