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Eastern Frontier
Eastern Frontier
Explorable area
Campaign Prophecies
Region Ascalon
Map area 1.36%
Neighbors Frontier Gate
Pockmark Flats
Ruins of Surmia (outpost)
Services Collector
Eastern Frontier map
Zcoins This article has an associated Zaishen Challenge Quest.

General Information[ | ]

The Eastern Frontier, once a beautiful land of green hills and lush foliage, has been completely ravaged in the Searing by the Charr. It is now a rough and dry land, with little to no plants or water, only dead rocks and a few thorn scrubs. All settlements lie in ruins.

Exits[ | ]

Towns and Outposts[ | ]

Explorable areas[ | ]

Points of Interest[ | ]

NPCs[ | ]

Bestiary[ | ]

Monsters[ | ]

Note: text refers to the red acronyms used in the map

Bosses[ | ]

Pets[ | ]

Quests[ | ]

Eastern Frontier[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

  • Vanquishers must defeat 170-218 monsters in this area.
    • This area can be particularly hard to clear with the large numbers of Grawl and Grawl Ulodytes. Ulodytes are potent healers and fast kiters, so with a party size of just 4, taking out more than one of them at a time can prove to be a tough task. Interrupting their Heal Area skill is crucial.
    • Also, watch out for hidden devourers that pop up as you pass; sometimes they'll spawn above you on a cliff that will require a long walk to get to!
    • Caravan vanquishing, i.e. bringing a party of 6 on the long journey from Yak's Bend or Borlis Pass to this area (without entering any outpost along the way) is a possible option. It is also possible to reach this area with a party of 8 if you start from Temple of the Ages
    • Another alternative is to have the quest Frontier Gate Fugitives partially complete as Footman Quinn can help the party with his knockdowns.
Bug Bug! Just east of the entrance to the Ruins of Surmia is a tall cliff that is possible to climb similar to the glitched hill in Green Hills County of Pre-Searing.