Elementals are magically animated beings. Unlike Undead (which are an animation of a previously living creature), Elementals are an animation of non-living materials. This is usually in the form of raw materials, such as Stone Elementals.
Unlike Golems, which are the creation of magicians, Elementals are created by the raw element itself, most commonly out of the earth, and can be found in areas where magical disturbances occur (like the Stone Elementals scattered through Ascalon near the large magical crystals).
Elementals often have powers aligned to their own element. Many Elementals are Elementalists using Earth Magic.
Because Elementals are not real living creatures, they are not "fleshy creatures", which makes them immune against Bleeding and against several Necromancer skills targeting flesh, such as Rotting Flesh. Also, they do not leave behind a corpse that can be exploited by a Necromancer.
Most or all ice and water elementals are resistant to cold damage and vulnerable to fire damage, while most or all fire elementals are resistant to fire damage and vulnerable to cold damage. Earth / stone elementals are not known to have any particular resistance or vulnerability to specific damage types, however Stone Shard Crags are known to be resistant to fire damage.
Elementals drop (besides weapons and gold):
- various types of "Lodestones" as tophies
- Granite Slabs and Lumps of Charcoal as Crafting Material
Types[ | ]
- Hard mode levels are in parenthesis.
- Denotes a fleshy creature.
- Can also be found in The Desolation.
For a list of all types of Elementals in Guild Wars, see Category:Elementals.
Elemental NPCs include: