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Full: Target foe takes 10...50...60 cold damage. If you have more Energy than target foe, that foe suffers an additional 10...50...60 cold damage and moves 90% slower for 1...4...5 seconds.
Concise: Deals 10...50...60 cold damage. If you have more Energy than target foe, deals +10...50...60 cold damage and causes 90% slower movement (1...4...5 seconds).
Combine with Maelstrom to keep a foe in the area of effect for the full duration. This will, however, pile up some exhaustion.
Consider combining with Chilling Winds to lengthen the hex duration.
Usage of the +15 energy -1 energy regeneration wand and/or offhand, can both enhance, and defend against the use of this skill. Consider switching to a weapon group containing one or both of these items if using it on a non-elementalist primary, as an elementalist with low energy storage attribute, or if this spell is being used against you.